Sunday, June 20, 2010

OBI-1 Developed By Ipsen And Inspiration Has Obtained A Positive Opinion For The Orphan Drug Status In Europe

On the web today:

Ipsen (Euronext : FR0010259150; IPN) and Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. (Inspiration) announced that the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Agency has issued a positive opinion on the granting of orphan drug status for OBI-1 for the treatment of hemophilia. Final adoption of the opinion is expected from the European Commission later this year and subject to ...
And this:
Inspiration, an eco-friendly development in Bayport, is organizing a neighborhood cleanup and tree planting Saturday in honor of Earth Day and Arbor Day.
As well as:
Ipsen and Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products of the European Medicines Agency has issued a positive opinion on the granting of orphan drug status for OBI-1 for the treatment of hemophilia. original. qopfvabo

VIDEO: Nintendo 3DS Up Close %26ampamp; Personal

From todays web browsing:

Short video of a turned off 3DS viewed from different angles.
And this:
Kina Grannis won a contest that resulted in 100 million people seeing her video during the 2008 Superbowl. She then used that exposure and social networking sites to build a huge fan base. She performed her song, "Valentine," in the Second Cup Café.
As well as:
Video: Nevada State Prison; rundown %26amp outdated or effective? original. vencertqw1k

Sitting Alone

Check this out:

swarnendu posted a photo:

Taken at Panama City Beach, FloridaSitting Alone

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Put A Smile On Your Face

Staring out the window at the world that surrounds me in this little place that I like to call home. Got my favorite mouse Norm here. Looking at the wall - needs a color change. Will we ever get a hold of the craziness?

HP: The Linux distributor?

What Ive read today:

Hardware companies don't tend to have their own Linux distributions. IBM uses Linux everywhere, but they don't have their own Linux. Dell will be happy to sell you notebooks and netbooks with Ubuntu or a workstation or server with RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). But, no major OEM (original equipment manufacturer) has had a house-brand Linux... until now. HP has recently bought not one, but two ...
And this:
Linux Magazine: "Ubuntu has played a large role in the rise in popularity of Linux, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. If you don't like it, change it. And that's exactly what a small group of Linux loving hackers are doing. Meet, elementary."
As well as:
Linux Magazine has a profile of Daniel Fore and the Elementary project. Elementary is a Linux distro that's committed to a clean and simple user experience, but it's more than a distro - it's actually a multi-pronged effort to make improvements to the user experience for a whole ecosystem of components, including icons, a GTK theme, Midori improvements, Nautilus, and even Firefox. The work that ... original. Blog for ramonqopsqirl

Check out this picture

You should check this out: posted a photo:

Stammen Aliens von Kängurus ab ?

Travel Site Expedia Adds 130 Vegas Jobs

Did you see this?:

Online travel company Expedia announced Friday it will be adding 130 jobs in Las Vegas by the end of June.
And this:
It’s been a rough travel season so far, so it’s is no surprise more travelers are looking to insure their summer getaways.
As well as:
Travel insurance: To buy or not to buy? original. out1xests viewpoint

Friday, June 18, 2010

Games and gizmos for a smarter school year

Catch of the day:

Not all electronic games turn kids into couch potatoes. From literacy games to tween-friendly netbooks, here is the latest high-tech gear worth buying to get your child ahead this fall. High tech - Netbook - Games - Video Games - Shopping
And this:
Canadian games played well this week during the world's biggest video game trade show. original. Homepage of bizchuhigh

Look up

Check this out:

bobmendo posted a photo:

Inspiration twiceLook up

Europe to force all 'significant market players' to provide information necessary for interoperability?

Todays catch:

Three news items caught my interest this week. all slightly related: Dr. Neelie Kroes has made a significant speech How to get more interoperability in Europe on practical steps on interoperability and standards. She presents this as building on the... original. Visit chudzupkza

Megakermis Rotterdam Ahoy 2010 (29 mei 2010)

Check this out:
Megakermis Rotterdam Ahoy Beelden van de opening en avonduren op 29 mei 2010. Zie ook Video en montage: Justin Groot Rotterdam Ahoy 2010 (29 mei 2010)

Video: Optimism on the gulf (May 27)

What Ive read today:

Video: "Top Kill" appears to be working in fight against oil leak. Jay Gray reports. May 27.
And this:
In video first obtained by the PIX 11 Morning News, a man who accidentally stepped into the gap between the subway car and the platform had his leg trapped and brutally twisted after the train moved a short distance, dragging him in front of horrified onlookers.
As well as:
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Video shot by an AP Television News crew on Thursday night shows three of four North Korean players reported to have gone missing in South Africa sitting on the team bus. original. jerrycewdogs Bookmarks

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Terribles inondations dans le Var

Check this out:
Des trombes d'eau se sont abattues provoquant des inondations meurtrières dans le Var, particulièrement à Draguignan : le bilan provisoire est de 19 morts. Plus d'infos sur . (DROITS RESERVES . Pour toute exploitation sur TV, web, mobile, aller sur )Terribles inondations dans le Var

The Paperless Office

Catch of the day:

Remember this? We dreamed about it in the 1970s and now it may be here – the completely paperless office . The popularity and convenience of web-based technology solutions, combined with the recent rise in awareness about the environment, has led many companies to print less and e-mail more. InfoTrends analyst John Shane says, “I wouldn't call it the paperless office -- that's not going to ...
And this:
DUBAI — The Arab countries, particularly the UAE and Bahrain, have presented leading examples of government blogging, yet all still lack systematisation, according to senior official here. original. qw1k1970puz

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Barrlestar Galactica - Colonial Warriors - Checklist # 70

Came upon this today:

Jimmy Tyler posted a photo:

Barrlestar Galactica - Colonial Warriors - Checklist # 70

Whos idea was it anyway to start this whole blogging thing - cant a gal get any time to herself

Here in my hotel at the conference. Got my favorite mouse Norm here. Getting things ready for the long weekend coming up next week - Yahoo! How many birds in the hand are worth one in the bush?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ollie over trash can

Check this out:

Jens Skoug Obel posted a photo:

View largeOllie over trash can

Friday, June 11, 2010


Betchaboy posted a photo:

Taken with camera+Keyboard

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Armando Galarraga's perfect game is stolen by Jim Joyce, which of course makes Hitler very upset.

You should check this out:
Armando Galarraga throws a perfect game for Detroit, only to have umpire Jim Joyce deny him with a blown call. Even Hitler is upset with the injustice and suggests that Bud Selig reverse the call. My appreciation to Oliver Hirschbiegel, the director of the movie %26ampquot;Der Untergang%26ampquot; (Downfall) from which this scene is taken, for his reasonable response to the viral repurposing of his footage. Much respect to Bruno Ganz for his interpretation of the doomed Hitler which has become so iconic. This clip is a fair-use parody of the original source material which is not meant to replace said original material in any manner. 6/03/10 JIm Joyce's response to his mistake deserves the highest praise. He has faced the issue head on instead of hiding from it like so many have before. I find it curiously ironic that the blown call that took away the perfect game instead gave both Galarraga and Joyce the chance to display a level of sportsmanship and humanity that will ensure that this one hitter is remembered long after other perfect games are forgotten. Bud Selig is still a tool though. 6/05/10------------------------------------------------------------- In case you are interested in any of the events I have referenced in the video, here is a selection of links for you to explore. While I realize that the wikipedia links are sometimes less than scholarly, I have included them because I think they will be stable, non-disappearing, links for you to begin further exploration at. 0:22 %26ampquot;already %26amplt;b%26ampgt;...%26amplt;/b%26ampgt;Armando Galarraga's perfect game is stolen by Jim Joyce, which of course makes Hitler very upset.

Winning lifes war even though sometimes Im losing the battles

In the hallway by the closed door. Rug at my feet and a lamp overhead. All by myself. Playing a few math tricks in my head to keep my brain moving. Imagining myself and where Ill be in 2 weeks - going to be awesome!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hanging Tough in Tough Times

Sitting in my favorite orange desk chair. The one that I got from my old elementary school. Just me and the cat and 2 dogs spending some quality time together. Playing a few math tricks in my head to keep my brain moving. How many birds in the hand are worth one in the bush?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time to Make Things Happen

Outside the door with the cool letters on it. Got the cousins visiting and need to show em a good time tomorrow. Playing a few math tricks in my head to keep my brain moving. You know, Im beginning to think that theres something pretty amazing in my future.

Listen to this . . .

Watching this crazy little world spin around with me on it. Just me, myself and I. Pretending that Im some cool world leader with all of the possibilities of a true dictator playing out before me. Will we ever get a hold of the craziness?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Put A Smile On Your Face

Sitting on the brown couch in front of the big glass window in the front room. Have my nephew over for 3 days trying to figure out what he likes. Squeezing my fists as tight as I can. Thinking theres no way Im going to get my whole todo list done by tomorrow.

Sounders FC: Brad Evans with a field goal attempt vs Boca Juniors

Check this out:
Sounders FC vs Boca Juniors 3-0 05/26/10 International Friendly. Sounders FC M/F Brad Evans with a big miss in front of net that we all know he wishes he could do over. The %26ampquot;field goal%26ampquot; in the title is reference to the fact that the Sounders share Qwest Field in Seattle with the NFL Seahawks. That kick defniitely split the uprights.Sounders FC: Brad Evans with a field goal attempt vs Boca Juniors